Yoileana (Joy) lives in Deland with her husband Daniel and their puppy “Sleepy”, both have spent more than 8 years leading youth groups and collaborating in evangelistic events. After God showed her First Assembly of God in Deland in a dream, both Danny and Joy, embarked a journey of faith that led them to relocating in Deland within 9 months. In her spare time, Joy enjoys writing, exercising, planting, and cooking. Her life mission is to serve, educate and live according to the example of Jesus so that others can see the truth of Christ in her life. She is a lawyer and Computer Engineer that specializes in sales and technology. She uses her work and academic experience to educate non-profit entities on emerging technological and legal impacts in changing times.
Daniel grew up in a Pentecostal Pastoral family and has always lived a life of faith, love, and worship. During his illness, he met God as a healer and promise keeper, and today is a living testimony of God’s Truth overshadowing human prognosis.
Daniel has been leading and counseling youth for more than 15 years, 8 of them with his better half, his lovely wife Yoileana. Together, Danny and Joy have served in various evangelistic assignments in Mexico, Cuba, and Uruguay.
Outside of church, Danny works as a Healthcare Services Administrator. He dedicates his career to improve the Patient and Provider journey through strategic alignment, communication, coordination, and education. He shows the love of God in everything that he does.